Get Involved
Mariana Glen HOA is proud to say that the Volunteers make it happen. We have many opportunities for homeowners to volunteer and help the community.
Involvement Opportunities
Board Members — All of our Board members are volunteers. Your work on the board helps the community stay in compliance with the governing documents, manage the finances of the community, and help make the community a great place to live. Meetings are once a month.
Greenbelt Committee — The Greenbelt Committee works with the Landscape Company to maintain our common areas. The Greenbelt committee is also in charge of coordinating tree trimming and tree treatments with contractors. Volunteers help with flower care in the landscaped areas and misc. repair.
Events —
The Easter Egg hunt in April needs volunteers to stuff eggs with treats, put up decorations, creat prize bags, hiding the eggs and distribution of flyers and signs.
Community Garage sale in June needs volunteers to distribute flyers, place ads, put up signs, and designate homes that want to participate.
Fall Fest in September needs volunteers to gather tables and games, distribute flyers, collect list of attendees, coordinate HOA-provided food and supplies, and welcome attendees with their potluck food to the event.
Holiday Lighting in early November needs volunteers to help install the HOA-owned lights at the entrances to our community and north greenbelts. Our volunteers install the LED lights using paint poles from the ground to make wonder display of lights that the community enjoys from November 25th – January 2nd.
Welcome Committee — volunteers welcome our new homeowners to the community.
ARC Committee — This committee reviews the ARC applications submitted by homeowners for landscape and home changes to the exterior of the home.
Covenant Committee — This committee is responsible for helping the community owners stay in compliance with the governing documents in a respectful way.
Pipeline Newsletter — This committee collects, writes, and publishes a newsletter in the Spring and Fall. Reminders and news tips for the community are included. Always looking for writers.
Website — This committee has been rebuilding a new website that provides updated data, inspiring photos, long-awaited calendars, and modern navigation.
Other Volunteer Opportunities —
Trash can care and disposal bags
Flag and sign care
Entryway lighting
Holiday Light judging
Misc opportunities
Let us know if you want to volunteer and
we will be happy to find a place where you
can enjoy participation.